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Curriculum of Studies

Various Core subjects are offered, some of them with alternate possibilities according to the needs, aspiration and interest of the students. At the plus II level, introduced in the academic year 1996 – 1997, presently we offer 4 different groups. The various groups offered are given on page 18 of the prospectus.

The following subjects are offered as core subjects.

04.02.01. Christian Doctrine/value Education
04.02.02. English
04.02.03. Tamil/Hindi/French
04.02.04. Mathematics/Business Mathematics
04.02.05. General Sciences: Physics, chemistry & Biology
04.02.06. History, Civics, Geography & Economics
04.02.07. Commerce
04.02.08. Accountancy
04.02.09. Computer Science
04.02.10. Environmental Studies
04.02.11. General Knowledge
04.02.12. Physical Education