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Admission and Withdrawal

Admissions are normally for L.K.G only. Application forms will be issued at the School Office during the 2nd week of January, on a stipulated date Full and correct information should be furnished in the application form. Admission forms to other classes will be available during the month of April and admissions are subject to availability of seats.

The following Certificate and Testimonials have to be produced at the time of interview and admission.

02.02.02. Community Certificate for SC/ST and Most Backward Classes.

Transfer Certificate from Recognized School for admission in Standards VI and above.

Mark sheet of the previous annual examination.

Catholics must bring a letter of introduction from their respective parish priests.

For students coming from other streams of Education such as the CBSE, Anglo-Indian or State Board, the T.C. should be countersigned by the respective inspecting authorities. For admissions to L.K.G. only the first two Certificates are required, together with No.05.

Xerox copy of items 1 and 2 must be attached to the application form while submitting it to the office and the Originals, to be the rules and regulations of the School.

Pupils for admission must be accompanied by both the parents or Guardian who must sign the prescribed admission form; and pledge themselves to abide by the rules and regulations of the School.

If a parent wishes to withdraw the child from the school, he should submit a written application to the Headmistress. Transfer Certificate will be issued only when all the payments due to the school are made good.

The written application must be submitted on or before 30th April. The first term fees will be collected if T.C. is applied after 30th April . If a student is withdrawn in the middle of term, the parents will be required to pay the fees for the whole term.

Students liable to be suspended of dismissed with the Transfer Certificate at any time of the year/or be debarred from appearing even for the public Examination if the conduct of the student concerned is found to be detrimental to the discipline of the school.