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The primary purpose of Maria Matriculation Higher Secondary School is providing sound Education to all the students, particularly Catholics of the neighbourhood, in a catholic atmosphere. The school aims at inculcating a sound Christian and human formation, oriented towards the total, Development of the whole person, making the student well integrated person, thus enabling the student to collaborate with others in building a just society, founded on the Gospel values.

The School comes under the management of the Archdiocese of Madar-Mylapore Society and REV. FR. S. Ignatius Thomas M.A., B.TH., is the Present Correspondent of the School.

Spiritual :

Facilities are provided for on going reflection moral and Religious instructions, meaningful Celebration of Feasts, Personal and Group Prayer, reading of the Scripture etc., to promote in all the students, a rootedness in their Faith and appreciation of other Religions.

Social :

We are all children of God and hence a common brotherhood exists among us. Students are initiated to practice and promote the Gospel values of Love, peace Justice and Freedom in their social interaction with others Leadership qualities are promoted through various co-curricular and extra curricular activities.

Intellectual :

This school provides various infra-structural facilities to enable the students strive for academic excellence, using all the available means in the school in spirit of acquiring knowledge and applying the same in daily life. We help them develop skills to evaluate and criticize objectively and continue their intellectual development.

Moral :

Transmission of values of life is an integral part of living. This school helps the students to improve the human and Christian values such as Simplicity, Dignity of Labour, Solidarity, Brotherhood, Tolerance, Forgiveness, Generosity students are enabled to make right judgements and take correct decisions in view of their future, The School also provides opportunities to have a clear idea of how they are to realize the sexual dimension in their lives, so as to develop a balanced personality and have deep respect for life, a better understanding of the equality and complementarily of sexes.

Cultural :

India has a rich Cultural heritage. The School gives the students a sense of Patriotism, respect for different cultures around, work for a harmonious integration by respecting others without distinctional of Caste, Creed, Language or Economic status.

All these aims can be summarized in the motto of the School :

LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE. To achieve these aims, a close and whole hearted co-operative venture between the Home and the School has a dynamic influence in the development of the type of education envisaged by the school.

All the curricular, co-curricular and extra curricular activities in the School are geared up to lead the students to a spontaneous and whole hearted involvement in group activities and ensure discipline. The House system we practice in the School, gives sense of identity and belongingness and help a student to develop the finer aspects of Loyalty, Co-operative and Team spirit. High standards are also maintained by proper motivation and healthy competition between houses. Every student is expected to take an active role in all the activities and derive the maximum benefit from them. All the members of the Staff are fully involved in the Educative process of the School.

The Students are divided into four Houses and the members of each house will use their respective Colour Banians with skirts and shorts/full pants in Brown.

The Four Houses With Their Motto: